Calm Excitement is A Green Flag
After the first date with my now husband, I was definitely into him. I really liked him but I also found myself feeling a sense of curiosity and positivity that was distinctly different. It was a calm excitement. I didn’t feel anxious about when I would hear from him or see him again. I didn’t wonder whether or how much he liked me.
2 Things Helped Me Get There:
By this point I had done enough work on my self to know I was worthy of someone great so the fact that I thought he was handsome and smart and a total catch didn’t immediately send me into a spiral of thinking that the date was some fluke– “he must not really like me, if I like him!”. I wasn’t seeking validation from him which is where a lot of dating anxiety comes from.
I also had a full life of things I loved outside of dating that kept me happy, challenged and connected… so even if this great guy didn’t work out, the world that I had built based on the most authentic version of me, was still incredibly fulfilling.
Build your most authentic life, find people that align to it and don’t worry if you feel a calm excitement instead of a flittering, anxious excitement after your first date. It may very well mean you are on the right track.